Veterinarians Chita and Timo Wahlroos receive Akava’s Entrepreneur Award

‘Our goal is for each of our customers and employees to feel heard and met’, emphasise veterinarians Chita and Timo Wahlroos. Their family business, Eläinklinikka Avec, offers a wide range of veterinary services in Porvoo and Turku. Since its beginnings, the company has grown in a sustainable and profitable way. The Finnish Veterinary Association nominated its member to be a recipient of Akava’s annual Entrepreneur Award.


‘In 2001, Eläinklinikka Avec opened its doors for business on Jokikatu street in Porvoo as a single veterinary practice under the name Jokikadun Eläinklinikka. As our business grew, we moved to a larger facility on Lukiokatu street and changed our name to Eläinklinikka Avec. Then, ten years ago, we moved again to new and even larger premises on Asentajantie road. The acquisition of these premises was an important strategic decision and a major investment in terms of building projects’, say Chita and Timo Wahlroos.

Chita began as a full-time veterinary practitioner and currently spends most of her time managing the clinic. Timo works as the Managing Director and focuses on running the overall company.

‘Already during my studies, my goal was to establish my own company specialising in pet care. And that’s exactly what I did shortly after graduation’, says Chita Wahlroos.

The company has grown into a working community comprised of two clinics and more than 50 employees, including veterinarians, specialist veterinarians, veterinary nurses and other personnel. In 2022, the company acquired another veterinary clinic, Eläinlääkäriasema Petvet, in Turku.

As justification for its recipient choice, Akava’s Entrepreneur Award Working Group highlighted the fact that Eläinklinikka Avec has grown strongly and sustainably while remaining independent in a competitive chain industry.

Continuous development keeps the work interesting

The fundamental guideline for the veterinary couple is to maintain the continuous development of their business and competencies and uphold a good personnel policy, both of which have, thus far, enabled them to generate sustainable growth for their business. Customers value empathy and the ability to genuinely listen and respond in a respectful manner to both our animal patients and their owners.

‘It would be difficult to operate as a veterinary entrepreneur without any veterinary training. Continuous development and specialisation has always been the strategic approach of our company’, Timo explains.

‘Growth is not an intrinsic value; rather, strong financial stability and growth are necessary in order to advance and develop company activities. Medical science is developing at a dizzying pace, so developing our activities and competencies is an absolute must if we wish to succeed’, Timo states.

Chita and Timo view good customer service and specialisation as key factors for success in the veterinary sector.

‘Customers’ expectations concerning pet care have increased along with a changed attitude towards pets. They are seen as family members whose wellbeing is worth the investment. Most of our patients are dogs, but we also see a lot of cats and, at times, other small animals. Our practice does not deal with production animals’, Chita clarifies.

‘We have enhanced the customer-oriented approach of our company and, simultaneously, sought to make veterinary work as meaningful as possible for our personnel. Our specialisation process has been driven by services that are missing in this area. We now offer the entire treatment path, including all services from lab tests to x-rays and other necessary services, under one roof’, says Chita.

We serve both pets and their owners

‘One special characteristic and bonus of veterinary work is that the veterinarian has the opportunity to serve both animals and their owners. A veterinarian must be able to explain the available treatment options in a succinct and understandable way. The benefits of treatment must be stated clearly so as to motivate the owner to take the necessary steps. Veterinarians also provide pet owners with support in difficult situations’, Chita emphasises.

Chita and Timo Wahlroos view veterinary science as an intriguing and demanding field with customer service at its core. Veterinary studies include the diagnostics and treatment of production and small animals as well as food hygiene. Additionally, the ability to interact with people is an essential skill.

‘Asking questions, listening and supporting our customers is the foundation of our work, but also the cornerstone of our company management. An open, dialogical approach generates an atmosphere of trust that enables and empowers us to discuss difficult situations. When you’re working with people, it is inevitable that there will be friction at times. That friction can be alleviated by talking through any difficult issues and settling them as soon as possible’, state Chita and Timo.

Their goal has been to create a workplace that is welcoming for everyone and a good environment for work. Many employees have been with the company since the beginning. The wellbeing and coping of the personnel are supported through, for example, events to maintain wellbeing at work, and sports and culture benefits. Further training is also assured in a broad and continuous manner.

Both Chita and Timo state that they are always at work, but they do so happily and as a conscious choice.

‘I want our personnel to be able to reach me whenever they have any questions, concerns or a need to talk. It’s important for everyone to felt seen and heard’, Chita says.

Freedom is the best aspect of work as an entrepreneur 

‘The best thing about entrepreneurship is the freedom to organise your work in your own way and to develop the company’s operations in the direction you want. Freedom, on the other hand, comes with a significant level of responsibility, which is the hardest part of entrepreneurship. Prioritisation is part of being an entrepreneur, since the work and ways to develop the work are endless’, Timo explains.

As advice to those considering entrepreneurship, Chita says that it’s a good idea to get to know yourself first. Once you are familiar with your own strengths and areas for development, you will be better able to reinforce your competence and that of your company by recruiting employees who will complement your own assets.

‘When the work feels meaningful and gives you the opportunity to use your own strengths and to develop further, it makes it easier to cope and maintain your drive. Development starts with self-awareness. Networks are important professionally, but they are also valuable for peer support and the exchange of ideas. Veterinarians have a strong tradition of collegiality that also benefits our customers’, Chita and Timo state.


Text: Ritva Siikamäki

Photo: Susanna Nordval

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