
Akava: Maria Löfgren to continue as President of Akava

The union meeting of Akava unanimously elected Maria Löfgren for another term as President of Akava. The term will last for four years. Löfgren has served as President of Akava since November 2022. Her goals for the coming term include assuring Akava’s positions as a compass for working life reforms and labour market forerunner.

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Free Summer Job Helpline helps summer employees throughout summer

The Summer Job Helpline service of the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK), the Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland (Akava) and the Finnish Confederation of Professionals (STTK) was opened again on Thursday 2 May 2024. The service provides summer employees with free advice in employment-related questions by telephone, in WhatsApp and using the contact form. The service is available to all summer employees, and its use does not require any union membership.

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Privacy Clause for GDPR Compliance

This document describes how we process the details that you provide when visiting our Start to Finnish -platform.

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My Mental Health #ImportantPartOfMe is a campaign initiated by Akava to gather young people’s experiences of mental health and well-being

As part of our My Mental Health #ImportantPartOfMe campaign, we are inviting higher education students and young adults to share their thoughts on the challenges they experience concerning their mental health and well-being. The aim of the campaign is to provide decision-makers with information about the current situation facing Finland’s young people. We will also be presenting our proposals for solutions to today’s problems.

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Akava Students, STTK Students and SYL: students must be saved from drowning in debt

Akava Students, STTK Students and the National Union of University Students in Finland are worried about student indebtedness, and demand action to stop it. Since the cuts that were made in student financial aid in 2017, the overall amount of student loan debt has more than doubled, to a whopping EUR 6.2 billion in January 2024. Students are getting deeper and deeper into debt: in 2022, graduates had an average of EUR 22,660 of student loan debt, which is around three times more than a decade ago.

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Akava’s total membership grew in 2023

At the start of 2024, the total number of members of Akava affiliates was 623,299, which signifies an increase of more than 7,000 members in comparison to the previous year. The number of paying members amounted to 437,176. The number of student members was 127,308, which means that Akava affiliates had six thousand more student members at the start of 2024 than they had in 2023. 

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