Statement by organisation leaders on the IPCC report and the urgency of climate action
The IPCC Report published in August illustrates how climate change has accelerated. The leaders of the Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland (Akava), Climate Leadership Coalition (CLC), the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK), Fingo (Finnish Development NGOs), the Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK), the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK) and the Finnish Confederation of Professionals (STTK) consider it vital that the climate objectives of Finland and the EU are adhered to and that it is possible to tighten the objectives as climate change accelerates. The signatories also call for the development of early warning systems for crises caused by climate change.
The free Summer Job Helpline is once again up and running for summer employees and employers
Today is the opening day of the Summer Job Helpline, provided jointly by the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK), Akava and the Finnish Confederation of Professionals (STTK). This summer, all enquiries to the helpline will be handled by Salla Hakoköngäs. Salla has a Bachelor of Laws degree and is currently studying for her Master of Laws degree with a major in labour law.
The student and youth organisations demand: The livelihood of burnout sufferers must be secured during a sick leave, also without a separate mental health diagnosis
In their common statement, a broad group of student and youth organisations demands the securing of livelihood during a sick leave caused by work-induced burnout without the need for a separate mental health diagnosis. The organisations propose that work-induced burnout would be considered a diagnosis entitling one to the sickness allowance paid by Kela. This would facilitate the compilation of statistics on burnout as well as the ability to monitor and enact measures to prevent cases of burnout.
Suggestions for a path to higher education and working life for persons with disabilities
Akava has compiled suggestions for a path to higher education and working life for persons with disabilities.
Rights Groups, Unions and Companies Urge EU to Make Labor Rights a Precondition of Resuming Thai Trade Negotiations
A group of 45 organizations composed of NGOs, trade unions, companies, and multi-stakeholder initiatives sent a letter today to Valdis Dombrovkis, Executive Vice President of the European Commission, urging the European Union to require labor reform in Thailand as a precondition to the resumption of trade negotiations with the Government of Thailand. Akava is one of the signatories of the letter along with other trade union condeferations in Finland.