Social partners’ proposals to help businesses in the corona crisis
A list of proposals aimed at easing the situation of companies hit by the corona crisis has been agreed by the trade unions and employers. The organisations are jointly proposing actions for the Finnish Government to take to amend labour law and reduce the burden on businesses. Akava has approved the joint proposals.

Majority of new MPs are union members
Trade union members are once again well represented among the members of the Finnish parliament. A majority of the MPs elected on April 14 most certainly belong to a union.
An increase in Akava’s student membership
The number of student members registered in Akava affiliates increased by 1,634 new members. The total is now 117,482 student members, which represents 19 per cent of Akava’s entire membership. Akava’s 36 affiliates currently have a combined membership of 608,290 members.

Citizens’ initiative to stop activation model voted down in Parliament following most unusual debate
Debate in the Finnish Parliament on the citizens' initiative to stop the so called activation model took a peculiar turn.